By Carlos Arteaga, MD
SABCS® Co-Director,
SABCS® Executive and Program Planning Committees

The 2023 SABCS® got off to a great start yesterday afternoon and we continue today with a full day of cutting-edge oral and poster presentations, interactive educational sessions, and valuable networking opportunities.
Our program begins this morning with three concurrent Poster Spotlight Sessions — Gaps in the Timing, Treatment Selection, and Supportive Services for Cancer Care (7 a.m.–8 a.m. CT, Stars at Night Ballroom 3–4), Shining a New Light on Breast Cancer: Novel Molecular and Functional Imaging Approaches to Detect and Characterize Breast Cancer (7 a.m.–8 a.m. CT, Hemisfair Ballroom 1–2), and Prognostic and Predictive Uses of Cell Free DNA (7 a.m.–8 a.m. CT, Stars at Night Ballroom 1–2).
At 8:30 a.m. CT in Hall 1, you won’t want to miss this year’s William L. McGuire Memorial Lecture, which will be delivered by Jack Cuzick, PhD, of Queen Mary University of London, who will discuss “Progress in the Prevention of Breast Cancer.” Dr. Cuzick is being honored for his pioneering research and groundbreaking discoveries in breast cancer prevention and treatment of early-stage breast cancer.
Immediately following the McGuire Lecture, we will present the first of this year’s three General Sessions (9 a.m.–12 p.m. CT, Hall 1) showcasing some of the most impactful and potentially practice-changing research in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of breast cancer.
Among the scheduled presentations, we will hear the latest findings from the KEYNOTE-756 trial, the first large randomized study to show efficacy of neoadjuvant checkpoint inhibitors in early-stage, operable, high-risk ER+ breast cancer, and the HER2CLIMB-02 trial looking at tucatinib and trastuzumab emtansine for previously treated HER2+ metastatic breast cancer.
Be sure and make some time in your schedule to visit the 2023 SABCS® Exhibits, which open today at 12 p.m. CT in Halls 2 & 3 of the convention center. The Exhibits offer a great chance to explore and learn about the latest breast cancer products and services, as well as an opportunity to meet, mingle, and network with friends and colleagues from around the world.
The scientific program continues this afternoon with the first of this week’s two Rapid Fire Mini-Oral Presentation Sessions (12:15 p.m.–1 p.m. CT, Hall 1) featuring abstract presentations covering key findings from major studies looking at some of the hottest and most timely topics in breast cancer research.
These quick-fire presentations will include the latest findings from SERENA-3, an interesting dose-finding study of a SERD, camizestrant, using cellular and molecular endpoints in patients with ER+ breast cancer. This study is a great example of the use of so-called “window” studies for other SERDs and well-tolerated targeted therapies.
We will also hear the final results from the phase 2, open-label FOENIX-MBC2 study, the first study to select patients with high FGFR1 amplification for treatment with a pan-FGFR inhibitor. The results of this study may provide a nice benchmark to study FGFR1 selective inhibitors moving forward.
This afternoon’s program also includes what promises to be a lively and informative debate — Anthracyclines…To Give or Not to Give? (1 p.m.–2 p.m. CT, Stars at Night Ballroom 1–2), and an in-depth State-of-the-Art Session — Immunotherapy: Purpose, Resistance, and Toxicity, (1 p.m.–2 p.m. CT, Stars at Night Ballroom 3–4).
Today’s program concludes this afternoon with the second of this year’s Poster Sessions (5 p.m.–7 p.m. CT, Halls 2 & 3), during which poster authors will be on hand to answer questions and discuss their findings, as well as three concurrent Poster Spotlight Sessions, from 5:30 p.m.–6:30 p.m. CT, covering Prevention (Stars at Night Ballroom 3–4), Antibody Drug Conjugates (Hemisfair Ballroom 1–2), and Exploiting Tumor Biology in HER2-positive Breast Cancer to Escalate or De-escalate Neoadjuvant Therapy (Stars at Night Ballroom 1–2).
Those are just a few of the highlights of today’s packed program of world-class science — check the meeting site for the most up-to-date schedule and check back here tomorrow for more highlights and important meeting news and information.